How to process a stock take
- Log in using the sales person sign-on code
and password
- Use <F5> key to insert a location. The Sales
Rep name, date and time will automatically appear. Enter a location
name and some notes if required.
Enter Location name, select sales rep and enter
some notes
- Select the location to download the scan into
- Select Import
by using <Alt+I> or
the mouse to bring up a pop up screen for download.
Plug the PDT scanner and download the scan.
Note: The pop up import option accepts the following
apn and a carriage return, apn and carriage return,
It also accepts the following format:
apn, comma, unit of count, carriage return, i.e.
The standard search function is available for items
without barcodes. Search
will need to be done in the scanning field not in the pop up import screen.
- Select Save by using the <F8> or
the mouse after each download. This will save the stock take counts. In
case of a power failure, the saved counts will not be lost.
Save Button
- Repeat step 2-4 until all counts have been entered
- If any items scanned and download that do not
exist in the system, this is highlighted on the screen as Invalid APN.
A report can be generated, listing the products in order that it appears
on the screen. To print the report, use <Alt+P>.
APNs captured on the stock take screen
- Use function key <F9> to complete the stock
take and send the counts to head office
A warning message will
be displayed to the user stating that no more changes can be made to the
stock take and asking whether they wish to continue.
- Select Yes or No at the warning message
Note: Laybys
do NOT need to be counted.