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Stock Enquiry

Apparel21 POS can be permanently connected with the Head Office system.  This means that stock enquiries on other stores or head office stock are as up to date as possible.  

Open the stock enquiry screen using F10 and using the arrow key to select the Stock Enquiry option and <Enter>.  Stock Enquiry is also accessed using the mouse to click on File / Stock Enquiry.

Show Prices

When a product/colour is selected to be viewed, the current price for the local store will be displayed. Arrow through the colours to see the actual price for each colour (if the product is priced by colour). Each colour’s pricing is based on the first size.

If the product is priced by SKU, then click on the appropriate size in the grid to see the SKU price. The price will only display in the Stock on Hand view. This price will always reflect the current price at the local store, regardless of which store is selected on the Stock Enquiry screen.

How to navigate within stock enquiry

  1. Sign on using the sales person sign-on code and password
  2. In the Product Code field either scan the product barcode, enter the product code or use <F12> to search.  The stock enquiry will default to display SOH (stock on hand).  Own store will always be displayed first.

F4 - Stock on Hand - Stock available to sell

F5 - Stock in transit - Stock not yet arrived in the store - due to arrive from head office (stock already despatched) or other store

F6 - Stock on lay by - not available to sell

F8 - Stock reserved - on hold - not available to sell

F11 - Incoming Orders - Stock on purchase orders, transfer orders (stock not despatched) and transfer requests to be delivered direct to store

Cust Orders - Stock placed on customer orders

Cust Orders Packed - Customer order quantities that have been packed

  1. In the Colour field, select the colour to view.  If product selected from a scanned barcode, it will default to the colour scanned.
  2. To view other types of enquiry use the function keys on the screen,  <F5> for In-transit stock, <F6> for Lay By stock, <F8> for Reservation stock, <F11>  for Purchase Orders or the mouse to click on the relevant buttons.
  3. To view more details relating to the product/colour/size, tab into the quantity field or click in to the quantity field.  The selected quantity is displayed in red with asterisks (*) on either side of the quantity.  This action will display a list of transactions that make up the total quantity.  Select the transaction from the list and <F7> to view more details.